
Archive for the ‘Hobbies & Cooking’ Category

We’ve had a lovely weekend and the weather has been glorious and warm!  On Saturday we had two birthday parties, one for our little 5 year old buddy at the orphanage where he was showered with spiderman goodness (we are awaiting permission to post those photos, if possible) and then for our friend and neighbor Clint later that night.

On Sunday, we hit up church and then had a relaxing and productive rest of the day.  Craig sat outside to bake in the sun while reading a new book while I was working on a eating and exercise plan inside.  Speaking of exercise, I’ve been way out of the loop since May due to travels, sickness and more travels.  But now I’ve run two days in a row and while my legs are sore, I’m feeling great about it!

On Sunday night, Craig attempted his first baking effort from scratch!  I had expressed to him that it would mean a lot to me if he cooked sometimes, so he started with baking an apple crumble that was SOOOO YUMMY!  He did a seriously amazing job and I’m so proud of him!!  I need to get his recipe to add it to our recipe book now. :)  Oh and one side note, I love how the modern cookbook is a laptop! haha!

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There isn’t a ton to update on in the past few days.  Craig is finally better and is back to work this week.  Yay!  Over the weekend we went to an incredible marriage workshop.  It was just…well, incredible, which I already said. ;)  It took up two full days so that was our weekend.  And while it’s still chilly here, we have had semi-springlike weather the past few days so Craig got out and washed the car.  Now today it’s overcast and chilly again, and while I am ready for spring and summer, I like the thought of cozy-ing up today and doing my work, of which I have a lot of!

Also, I’ve been excited to share the quilt I made for my niece!  I couldn’t share it before I gave it to her and you’ve seen it in the photoshoot of she and I together in a previous post.  It was the first quilt I ever made and I love it for it’s colors, for it’s purpose for Priestly and I love it’s flaws too.

I didn’t know what I was doing.  I knew how to sew because my mom taught me when I was younger.  So I bought some fabric I liked, started cutting up squares and at first I starting sewing by hand as I don’t have a machine.  It was slow-going.  Then my dear friend loaned me her machine and the rest of the process when nice and quick, by comparison, at least. :)

I learned a lot in the process and I learned the most not to be a perfectionist.  I didn’t have a pattern, I just made it up.  It was a bohemian effort in that way.  The whole time I worked on it, I kept thinking of my niece and how I hope she’ll treasure it and use it on her bed and for picnics and tea parties and how more than anything, when she’s older, she’ll know that while I don’t see her often, I love her with all of my heart.  And now just look at her, she’s found her spot on her quilt and that’s just what I had in mind.

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Making Jewelry

It’s neat how each phase of life brings new treasures and challenges with it.  It’s neat how we adapt and morph and develop.  I was always doing some sort of creative/crafty thing growing up (like tye-dying, painting shirts, bedazzling, and sewing) so it’s not foreign to me.  However, my years in DC had me focused elsewhere and I forgot that I was creative in those ways and rather I was focused on developing admin and organizational skills…so much so that I feel like I’m finding creativity for the first time during my time here in Africa.

It started with photography and has now developed into gardening, basic graphic design, web design, sewing (by hand this time), knitting, beading, mosaicing and anything else that I find myself interested in!  I’ve got several different projects going on right now but one thing I did over the weekend was make some pretty jewelry!  We stayed the weekend with our South Africa Tannie and Om (aunt and uncle) who are the most hospitable people I know.  It was so relaxing, fun and thoroughly enjoyable.  Tannie Maritjie (sounds like: Marie-key) spread her beads out and told me to have a ball – so I did!

So, I find myself very full of desires to create and make and imagine these days.  I hope it never fades away.  This is a new phase I’d like to stick around.

Here is what I made:

As for our weekend, we overnighted with Tannie Maritjie and Om Neels.  We had yummy food made by Tannie Maritjie, talked and laughed a lot, made jewelry (Ange, not Craig), read, napped, watched shows, played Rummikub and talked some more…mostly in our pj’s while having lots of tea and coffee.  The grandkids were over too so they got in on the fun as well!

Morning coffee and some Blue Bulls cheer

They had a ball "making" tea!

We played some serious Rummikub in our pj's

Opa (grandfather) and grandaughter lovin'

Oma (grandma) gets cuddle time with Thomas

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So we enjoyed the weekend!  On Saturday we enjoyed a lovely picnic at the Botanical Gardens just down the road from us.  It’s SO pretty there and there are always lots of people, especially families, there enjoying a picnic or hike to the waterfalls.  Craig found us a beautiful spot with pretty trees all around so we ate, drank white wine and curled up for a lovely nap followed by reading and chatting before we left.

Our view from the blanket

Here we are using our picnic basket (wedding gift) from the Pepper's!

On Sunday I made homemade sushi after church and it was much easier than I expected and lots of fun too.  I’m not the raw fish lover so it was vegetarian all the way and it was quite yummy!  After sushi we enjoyed a peaceful afternoon and had a nice braai with our neighbors that evening.  The fire was gorgeous and since it was a cool night it was great warming ourselves by the fire.  We love our friends!

the sushi prep area

more sushi prep - it really was easy!

sushi with avo, carrot and cucumber

We had an awesome huge fire from pine cones - nice

Love this artistic shot braai'ing with friends

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So, we have a friend here who laughs at us (and with us) about how much we talk about food on our blog!  I didn’t realize it until she joked with us about it, but it’s true.  I think it’s because I am really, in many ways, a new cook and am excited about everything I’m making!  And because I have time too.  It’s fun and so invigorating to cook and I’m getting to the point where I feel comfortable editing recipes and adding things I think would be good.

All of that brings me to this post which was tonight’s dinner.  I had some mince (or ground beef in America) and several vegetables that needed to be used or they’d go bad.  Then I found this recipe on allrecipes.com and it called for everything I had and needed to use!  So now I’m feeling good for a) being resourceful and b) for it being so yummy.  I’m giving you the recipe as I modified it because I’m sure it’s better than the original. ;)

Mince Stew

1 lb ground beef
½ pkg taco seasoning (or whole pkg)
¾ can tomato puree
3 ¾ cups water (with some beef stock)
1 chopped onion
4 carrots, chopped
3 potatoes, peeled and cubed
1-2 stalks celery
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 can black beans
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp salt

In a large pot over medium high heat, sauté the ground beef.  Add the taco seasoning, tomato puree, water/stock, onions, carrots, potatoes, celery and beans.  Reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer about 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

It’s a pretty flexible recipe.  And it makes a lot!  I had to switch to two pots once I added the veggies – eek!   Original recipe calls for 1 can of tomato soup in place of puree, and 1 pkg of taco seasoning instead of half and no beef stock in the water, and a can of pork and beans instead of black beans…but it turned out really yummy so you should make it my way. :) lol.

I’ve nearly finished the Lord of the Rings series for a second time, just a few chapters left.  Stunning writing.  In a category all it’s own.  I really think a lot in terms of LOTR.  Craig says I’m a nerd…I don’t argue. ;)  At any rate, I’ve started a non-fiction book now “The Secret Message of Jesus” and it’s really really good.  Then I’m gonna give Doctor Zviago (sp?) a go, it’s on loan from a friend who raved about it.  Oh!!  We were referred to a GREAT website for ordering books…and it’s free shipping all over the world!  http://www.bookdepository.co.uk.  Our books got here in 2 weeks which is a) amazing and b) awesome that it made it through the SA postal system without getting stolen!

Okay, it’s time to wash dishes and get all cozy for the evening.  Enjoy yours….

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Alrighty!  Let’s get started with the new blog, shall we!?  Make sure to update your feeds, readers and bookmarks with the new address!  I, Angela, will be the main blogger on here but much of the time the blog will be about us since, well, we are a pretty darn officially us now and we do so much together too. :)

Craig is in Angola for work this week.  SO wish I could have joined him to see my old stomping grounds again.  He says it’s really really hot though…and I won’t lie…I’m not missing that, particularly.

I’m starting some new creative projects that have me STOKED!!  I am going to be making a quilt!  Not sure yet how big I’ll make it.  Initially I figured it would be queen or king sized but that could be rather ambitious for a first time and a girl who hasn’t sewed since…since…I was 13 or so!!  That’s like 16 years ago.  Geepers that’s funny to say!

I’m at such a happy place in life.  I feel like I’ve come into my own and really figured a lot out about me and who I am and what I like.  It feels wonderful!  I am much more creative than I ever realized.  I am a funny mix of organized and head in the clouds.  I love cleaning but am content to let things slide once in a while.  I love bugs, insects and birds an especial lot.  Color and patterns get my juices flowing yet I adore brown to no end.  It helps me to talk things out rather than stuff them inside.  I love running once I’ve started but usually struggle to start.  I adore nature and feel most at peace around it. I am a new gardener and find it so life giving.  Red wine rocks my world, I am a full believer in a glass a day. :)  I don’t fit into boxes and trends.  I love fully and wholly and have a treat of a husband to lavish it on. :)  I’ll stop for now. I’m just sayin’ that it feels good to have a good grasp on me and to know my strengths and weaknesses and to love me regardless.  It’s a very important step to get to in life: loving oneself.  For how can we love another if we can’t love ourselves with grace and dignity?

I’m outtie ya’ll. (how about that for a mix of “Clueless” and Southern? hehe)

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